Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Omg so while I was running a police shot me in the arm! So i blew up his car. Luckily i mended up my arm. The policeman is dead

Christmas Sucks

Ok, so I used to love christmas but this year I doubt "Santa" is knocking on my door. Well if he does, I'm shooting him.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Ok so today while I was driving away from the cops (and i was a little high) I drove my car off a cliff! I jumped out but that was the best car I had ever stolen so I am really pissed.

Off on the run from the popo

Hi there! I'm an ex-convict mass murderer who has killed a whole school and blown up a google factory. I am on the run and I'll be posting my happenings. See ya!